Building a brand & toes in the sand

Building a brand & toes in the sand with Laura Benson

My guest today is Laura Benson!  Laura is a born and raised South Dakota farm girl who became an entrepreneur at a very young age. Over the last decade, Laura has spent the majority of her time building her online boutique, Shop Filly Flair, into an 8 figure a year business while simultaneously raising kids on the farm with her husband.  Laura is also on a mission to help business moms grow not only their network, but their net worth with “The Business Growr”, the ultimate mentorship group. 

Laura has been Jen’s idol for many years and she is SO EXCITED to have her on The Wicked Salty Podcast!  Laura may be a real deal country girl, but she also LOVES the beach!  Listen as Jen & Laura hit the beach, talk style, determination, mindset and key insights that are imperative to building a wildly successful business. 

Get Social with Laura @laurabensonofficial , @shopfillyflair & online at &

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